Last Thursday I reorganized the bookshelf so that my scrapbook albums were more easily accessible. They had been in the stack on the bottom with the picture frames - now I can pull them on and off the shelf. You can also note some of my favoritest books on the top shelf - Harry Potter series, Tamora Pierce books, Ella Enchanted and Fairest...
This picture is from last Monday - we had the day off school for MLK day, at night I bundled up against the windy cold to get some stuff ready at school. We ended up having a 2 hour delay due to the below zero windchill the next morning.
Phyl bought flowers on Tuesday for no reason. They look very nice on our kitchen table.
More scrapbooking from last night. My goal is to finish scrapbooking our last cruise before we go on our next cruise this June.
My teacher ipad and my two student ipads. I'm loading different storybook apps onto them all so I can start using them for listen to reading tomorrow. The apps are taking FOREVER to install....
And we're all caught up, for now...