Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 27

Phyl and I aren't big on Valentines gifts, but he had flowers (tulips - think warm spring thoughts) and Reeses (he knows me well) on the table waiting for me when I got home. I made a concerted effort to leave school at a reasonable hour so that I could actually make dinner for him for once (I even washed all the cooking dishes before he got home). It was a nice night.

I don't have a picture from Friday (which is when we did the valentines party for my class and also when we had the school valentine dance) but I definitely have a good story. In my class I have a pair of students who have definitely had 'secret' crushes on one another. For internet sakes and a fun dr. seuss reference, i shall call them Thing 1 and Thing 2. Thing 1 came in Wednesday morning and told me she asked Thing 2 to the dance the day before. I asked what his answer was and she said he said he was just about to ask her! That afternoon they made hearts in art class and traded them. At the dance last night they both were there with their parents. For the first little bit their families were just standing next to one another. Thing 1 was dancing all around with her dad and little sis, Thing 2 was just kind of standing there (very shy). Eventually, they started dancing/chasing all around the dance floor. I spoke to Thing 2's mom at one point and she told me that he came home on Tuesday (the day Thing 1 asked him to the dance) and said it was the best Tuesday of his life and that his secret wasn't a secret anymore and Thing 1 had the same secret. They are just too cute, I can't take it!

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